34 Week Pregnancy Update

Well after being officially signed off from the consultant, being okayed for a water birth in the birthing centre and hearing little man is head down, this week has to have been a more positive one. Although my bump doesn't feel like its got much bigger this week I'm definitely feeling more and more uncomfortable and have found even sitting on the couch has left me with pains in my ribs and restless legs! I'm officially on maternity leave and loving having more time to clean the house and spend some quality time with Evie before this little guy makes an entrance....although I do sometimes question which is more tiring! My hospital bags are all packed and I feel like the end is nearly in sight along with those poached eggs on toast and pate!
  • How pregnant are you? 34 weeks and 6 days
  • How many days until due date: 35 days, thank the chuffing lord!
  • Weight: Oh I weighed myself last week, its safe to say that was an experience!
  • Pregnancy symptoms: My heartburn has reached that Gaviscon point, thats when you know its bad! The Braxton Hicks are ranking up a gear, I'm fairly sure my mucus plug has slowly been coming away and I'm fairly sure I'd be tired if I slept for a solid week...can you tell I'm feeling positive?
  • Stretch Marks: The stretch marks have entered the building.... wahhhh
  • Cravings: I'm back loving fruit at the minute and because of the heat I'm still drinking one heck of a lot of water
  • Movement: Definitely still lots of movement, he's head down and boy do I know it, the pressure I keep feeling down below is unreal
  • Gender: Still a boy!
  • Sleep: Sleep is currently my favourite pastime, at any given chance I will take a nap, stay in bed half an hour longer or relax on the couch. My sleep is becoming more and more broken in-between needing weeks or Gaviscon or laying there aimlessly desperate to go back to sleep
  • Worst moment this week: Some horrible woman in the park!
  • Best moment this week: Our trip away to Scotland to see some of Joe's family
  • Nesting:  Oh my nesting have been taken to the nest level recently, I painted the kitchen on my own on Saturday, I've been up at 6am bleaching the washing machine and generally just have that constant urge to clean or tidy and make sure everything is perfect
  • Labour signs: Nothing more really, I'd love for a hint of something just so we know we're going in the right direction if I'm honest
  • Belly button in or out? Still in, just!
  • Wedding rings on or off? My ring has made a permanent home on my finger, my hands are forever swelling up and going down so I've decided to just leave it and learnt to ignore it when I've felt irritated having something on my hand
  • Happy or moody most of the time: I'm becoming more and more miserable as the days go on,I am most definitely not one of these people who is going to enjoy their pregnancy right until the very end. I'm so uncomfortable, hot and miserable most days  and I'm so desperate to meet my baby and have baby cuddles. It feels like I've been pregnant FOREVER!!
  • Looking forward to: My baby BBQ at the weekend where both mine and Joe's family are coming together and having a big BBQ instead of me having a baby shower with just the girls!
Much Love


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